I can’t stop thinking aboout the news story I heard the other day:
The Cancer Incidence Rate for Women Under 50 Rises Above Men’s. Click Here to Read the article about it from the Amercan Cancer Society>
I lost my mom several years ago to breast cancer when she was in her late 50s, so obviously this topic has a personal story for me, as it does way too many. And if it does for you too - I am deeply sorry. It’s truly a messed up world we are in when the food we eat, the medicines we are given and enviroment we have to live in are just filled with toxins and posions. But there is something you can do to help you feel better about possible prevention.
About a year ago in January 2024, I came across Chris Beat Cancer. If you haven’t heard of him, definitely check him out. He had Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer and beat it! He has a program that outlines how he did it. He also sells a book with the information, as well as a cookbook. I signed up for a 10 day intensive training about him sharing exactly what he did. I took detailed notes and have made some changes in my life based on that training. If you are interested in me sharing an outline of those notes, I am happy to do so. Juicing fruits and veges were a big part of his routine.
One of the most impactful things was adding Amla (aka Indian Gooseberry) to your diet. We carry the powder, FYI for JUST $3.33 - to be mixed into yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, protein drinks etc. We really are passionate about helping our community become healthier. And healthy options should be as afforable and as accessible as possible.
I now am about the age my mom was when she get diagnosed and a few years ago had a couple of scares - one with cervical and the other with breast cancer. My mind is often on making sure I am making healthy choices to continue being given the opportunity to continue enjoying life, which trust me does include enjoying pizza from time to time.
The reason I am sharing this is because in that training Chris mentioned drinking teas (which made me happy since at the time, we were building inventory to open the shop). Specifically GREEN TEA. Simple, straight forward green tea. All black, white, oolong and green tea tea leaves originate from the same plant, the Camellis Sinensis plant, just all processed a bit differently. It is believed to have originated around 3750 BC. BUT he also discussed Sir Jason Winters.
Who is Sir Jason Winters?
Sir Jason Winters was a British-Canadian adventurer whose extraordinary journey inspired the creation of his renowned herbal tea blends. After being diagnosed with terminal cancer in the 1970s and given only months to live, Winters refused to accept his prognosis. He embarked on a quest to explore ancient herbal remedies from different cultures, blending red clover, Indian sage, and herbal teas from China into a unique formula that he believed supported his healing. His recovery defied expectations, and his herbal tea blend gained worldwide recognition as a symbol of hope, wellness, and the power of nature. Winters dedicated the rest of his life to sharing his story and promoting natural health. You can learn more and order here>
The above is not an affiliate link - I do not get financial benefit from sharing this information. I just felt compelled with the recent headlines to do so.
I have been sampling this tea for a few weeks and happy to announce that we have been approved with a wholesale account to carry Sir Jason Winter’s teas in our shop!! So stay tuned for that! WOOOHOOO!!